
Avatar 2’s Jon Landau Shared Photos Of People Seeing Footage For The First Time And I’ve Never Been More Jealous

It’s been over a decade since Avatar released to theaters, pretty much knocking the socks off the whole world. I, along with countless others, am practically puking in anticipation for the sequel to James Cameron’s masterpiece. And after Avatar 2 got its very own name, producer Jon Landau has shared photos of people seeing footage for the very first time. And I am very much green with envy for those lucky souls.

The stars of Avatar: The Way of Water have been privy to footage for a few months now, Zoe Saldaña saying she was emotionally overcome after watching 20 minutes of the film. With a trailer soon to come, it is reasonable to believe that fans might also get some pretty intense feelings as well upon watching. 

While there appears to be no tears shed in the audience photo producer Jon Landau posted to his Instagram, they could indeed be hidden by the 3D glasses worn by viewers. You can check out said photo in the post below, where the guy in front may or may not be weeping tears of joy under those heavy duty glasses:

I’m not going to lie, it’s giving some serious They Live vibes with the light reflecting off the crowd in the back’s glasses. I would absolutely fight off some skeletal alien creatures to get a sneak peak at Avatar: The Way of Water, though.  

For those of use who weren’t at CinemaCon, the trailer will be released on the big screen next week for Marvel fans going to see Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. Avatar fans who won’t be able to make it out to the most upcoming film in Marvel’s Phase Four can watch it at home online, but they will have to wait a little while to do so.

It looks like I’m not the only one jealous over those individuals who were able to nab a look at footage from Avatar 2 at CinemaCon 2022, because the comment section of Jon Landau’s post is full of fans who can’t wait to see what James Cameron has cooking up for the upcoming 2022 film. One commenter says he has been waiting on the film since 2009, and I’ve got to agree wholeheartedly. Another fan, in all caps, longingly says she’s been waiting on the film since she was 9 years old.

It’s pretty wild to think that a 9 year old who watched Avatar and the vivid world it brought with it is now an adult and is able to visit that world again soon. The commenter isn’t alone in that experience, either, as a whole generation has grown up with one Avatar movie and will get the chance to watch another. The wait is almost over, as Avatar: The Way of Water comes to theaters this December 16th, and it is likely to bring some pretty heavy emotions along with it.

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