Month: December 2023

Home Alone is essentially a pop culture staple, as many continue to enjoy the 1990 film even today, especially around the holidays. One of the best Christmas movies of all time, it exudes warmth, humor and the yuletide spirit, which is why it’s still so popular. However, what very few people would probably associate with
Prominent Jewish TV executives in the UK have expressed their horror at a social media post by a former Channel 4 commissioner, who attacked a Stephen Fry rallying call against antisemitism. Tamara Abood, an ex-Channel 4 current affairs commissioner and producer of shows including What Happens In Kavos, sparked anger after posting on LinkedIn about
After the 2019 Disney/Fox merger officially completed, the fates of many legacy franchises were called into question. One such concern fans had was whether the newly-rebooted Planet of the Apes series would be affected, and if so, how greatly. Over time, those worries seem to have been addressed very carefully, which leads to Kingdom of
Paula Abdul has filed a lawsuit against her former American Idol executive producer Nigel Lythgoe, in which she accuses him of sexually assaulting her during the time they worked together. The singer-choreographer, who was a judge on the singing competition show from its 2002 debut until 2009, submitted the papers to a Los Angeles court Dec. 29 under the Sexual Abuse and
Sean M. Haffey/Getty Images “The key is to normalize your situation, normalize your lifestyle,” he explained. “I have a very consistent, disciplined lifestyle. I surround myself with loyal, integrity-filled people, and that’s my basis. And going to the Olympic Games, nothing changes.” Which isn’t to say he doesn’t appreciate the pinnacle of international competition, another highlight of