Last Week Tonight With John Oliver

John Oliver trolled Donald Trump on Last Week Tonight after the former POTUS said he had created a new nickname for corn. The HBO late-night show host dedicated Sunday’s episode to corn and noted the way politicians pander to the corn farmers. “There is a long history of American politicians being weird around corn,” Oliver
John Oliver took the first part of Last Week Tonight to talk about the Eurovision Song Contest and highlighted the act from Finland, known as Windows95man. The HBO late-night host said the Finland entrant was his “absolute favorite,” who appeared on stage singing “No Rules!” written by Henri Piispanen, Jussi Roine and Teemu Keisteri. Windows95man
John Oliver dedicated his latest episode of Last Week Tonight to UFOs and started talking about the topic, making a crazy joke about Hugh Jackman. “Our main story tonight concerns UFOs,” Oliver said on the HBO late-night show. “They brought us great album art, classic movie moments, and, of course, Hugh Jackman. I can’t prove
John Oliver celebrated the expulsion of George Santos from Congress this week and suggested he was better suited for Bravo. On the latest episode of HBO‘s Last Week Tonight, Oliver was giddy that “they finally kicked George Santos out” of the House of Representatives. “I say finally because it was their third attempt at doing
John Oliver’s main topic on Sunday night’s episode of Last Week Tonight focused on home ownership. However, he joked that people under the age of 35 would never own a home and created a whole alternate episode for that group segment talking about Chuck E. Cheese. “Our main story tonight concerns home ownership, so if
John Oliver delivered an impassioned plea on tonight’s Last Week Tonight in opposition of the inevitable rise of support for increased police presence on school campuses. In the wake of the Uvalde shooting several weeks ago, Oliver took conservative pundits to task over their solutions to the increase of school shootings. Despite the presence of